Junior Leagues
Please check the official general rules here. In case of doubts, please send us an email to soccer@2022.robocupjunior.eu
Soccer Lightweight
Soccer Lightweight games shall be played with well-balanced electronic ball. The ball will emit infrared (IR) light set to pulsed mode.
Soccer Entry
The Soccer Entry Rules are based on the international RoboCupJunior Soccer Lightweight Rules.

Roots identify victims within re-created disaster scenarios, varying in complexity from line-following on a flat surface to negotiating paths through obstacles on uneven terrain.
Please check the official general rules here. In case of doubts, please send us an email to rescue@2022.robocupjunior.eu
Rescue Line
An autonomous robot should follow a black line while overcoming different problems in a modular arena formed by tiles with different patterns. The floor is white in color and the tiles are on different levels connected with ramps. Team members may compete in Rescue Line twice (2 international events). After two participation, they must move to Rescue Maze.

Rescue Maze
The robot needs to search through a maze for victims. The robot should not find the fastest path through the maze, instead it should explore as much of the maze as possible. The robot will get points for each victim found and will deliver a rescue kit close to the victim. The robot must avoid areas with a black floor.

Rescue Simulation (CoSpace Advanced)
Teams have to develop and program appropriate strategies for virtual autonomous robots to navigate through virtual worlds to collect objects while competing with another team’s robot, searching and collecting objects simultaneously in the same world

Rescue Line Entry
The rules for the Rescue Line Entry are based on the international rules of RoboCupJunior Rescue Line.
Rescue Maze Entry
The rules for the Rescue Maze Entry are based on the international rules of RoboCupJunior Rescue Maze.
One or more robots come together with humans, dressed in costume and moving in creative, interactive and collaborative ways.
Please check the official general rules here. In case of doubts, please send us an email to onstage@2022.robocupjunior.eu
OnStage Preliminary
RoboCupJunior OnStage (formerly Dance) invites teams to develop a creative stage performance using autonomous robots that they have designed, built and programmed. The objective is to create a robotic performance of 1 to 2 minutes that uses technology to engage an audience. The challenge is intended to be open-ended. This includes a whole range of possible performances, for example dance, storytelling, theatre or an art installation. The performance may involve music but this is optional. Teams are encouraged to be as creative, innovative and entertaining, in both the design of the robots and in the design of the overall performance. The performance may involve up to two team members on the stage at any one time but this is optional. The emphasis must be on the robotic performance rather than the human performers. Teams will be considered Preliminary unless they have one or more members who have attended two international RoboCupJunior competitions in any league. Teams are judged in the following areas – technical demonstration, technical interview, OnStage performance and a Technical Description Paper.
OnStage Advanced
OnStage Advanced sub-league is more challenging category within which experienced teams can compete. Team have one or more members who have attended two international RoboCupJunior competitions in any league will compete in Advance League. Teams are judged in the following areas – technical demonstration, technical interview, OnStage performance and a Technical Description Paper.